Monday 28 April 2014

How To Make Nutella Milkshake!

Hey Everybody!

So over the pass few days the weather has been lovely and because of this I wanted to make a tasty cool and refreshing drink. I chose to make a Nutella milkshake, and because it was so damn good I decided to share it with you so can make your own.

I made enough for one person, so if you want to make it for multiple people add extra.

You will need: 1 cup of milk
                         1 table spoon of Nutella
                         1 and half scoops of vanilla ice-cream.
                         Some ice, crushed or uncrushed (optional)

This recipe isn't for a really sweet flavoured milkshake. If you want yours to be more chocolatey add chocolate ice cream and more Nutella. I added a tiny bit of penut butter to give it a an extra bit of taste but you don't need to do this.

As I was measuring out all the ingredients I was putting it into the jug I was going to use to mix it all up. (I did have a picture of all the ingredients in the jug, but it decided to be difficult and not move to where I wanted it to go, so therefore I removed it, I'm sure you get the jist though)

I then used a hand held electric mixer to blend it all together. If you have an actual blender I recommend using that instead, and chucking in a few chunks of ice. Unfortunately I can't blend ice with a hand held mixer. But anyway find a pretty cup and a straw, pour it in and enjoy! You can add toppings if you so wish. When I've made it other times I've put in chocolate chips.

Shannon x 

twitter: @shannonnicoleeB


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