Friday 3 January 2014

Winter Morning Routine!

Hey Everybody!

Today I thought I'd share my morning routine that I have during winter. This routine only works out 4 days a week as the other 3 I have to wake up ridiculously early and routine goes out the window! But yeah here is my winter morning routine!

So once I'm awake I won't get out of bed for a while, I'll just check twitter and things on my phone or laptop which ever ones closest!

Next I will finally drag myself out of bed and to the bathroom. I'm one of those people who need to brush my teeth before breakfast. I will also wash my face with either my tea tree oil foaming face wash or my clean and clear face scrub. Once I'm done I will go to the kitchen and make myself something to eat.


Hey Everybody! And HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I can honestly say that last year went so quickly but what a year it was! It was one of the better years that I have had. I mean I finished my first year of college, applied to universities, met my lovely boyfriend and I've taken leaps and bounds in my job. I have quite a few pleasant memories so here are some pictures that I wish to share with you!