Thursday 23 April 2015

My Bucket List

Hey Everybody!

Today I wanted to talk to you about something slightly different and that is my bucket list. It's not mine as in I wrote down everything I want to do, its one that I found online years ago, printed out and have been ticking stuff off ever since.

I decorated the front of an old notebook when I first started wanting to document my bucket list. But now as I haven't gotten that far into it, I am considering changing it for either a proper scrapbook or a project life scrapbook. If your unaware what a project life scrapbook is Lily Pebbles explains it all perfectly in this video: I'm still undecided in how to store and document everything I do, so if you guys have any cool and creative ideas please let me know!

Would you like it if I documented it all on here? Whenever I had done something I can take the pictures and do a little post on here?

But anyway back to the point of this post.. The bucket list I've printed out has some pretty cool things as well as some unrealistic things. For example one of the things is 'have 10 kids'.. I don't even know if I want 1 let alone 10!!! So I've filtered out the silly ones and just stuck to the ones that actually are doable and will give me great adventures and experiences. Such as eat a taco in Mexico, feed the homeless and walk along the Great Wall of China.

And there are some of the more meaningful ones such as donate blood, donate £100 to charity and list  a 100 things your grateful for or a 100 things that make you happy. So not all of them are exciting adventures, they are there to make you appreciate the simpler things in life.

I think having a bucket list is a great way of completing life goals if thats the way to phrase it, because in all honesty its like having a huge to do list. I don't know about any of you but I do more with myself when I have a to do list to go by.

Tell me 5 things you want to do in your life, I'd love to read them!

Shannon x

twitter: @shannonnicoleeB


  1. Hey great post I've nominated you for the Liebster award
    Lottie xx

    1. thank you:)+ oh cool I will definitely be checking that out xx
