Friday 3 January 2014


Hey Everybody! And HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I can honestly say that last year went so quickly but what a year it was! It was one of the better years that I have had. I mean I finished my first year of college, applied to universities, met my lovely boyfriend and I've taken leaps and bounds in my job. I have quite a few pleasant memories so here are some pictures that I wish to share with you!

At the beginning of 2013 I went to Warner Brother Studios with my mum. This was one of my christmas presents from her. Still one of my favourite ever days!

This is me and my boyfriend at one of my friends birthdays. It was the first time I introduced him to my friends. (My best friend is so photobombing haha)

Me and my cousin doing some shopping then had lunch!

Christmas 2013 was the first time we spent christmas at home, we would normally be round one of my grandparents houses for dinner.

Me and 3 of my friends went away to the beach for my best friends 18th. Even though I was ill it was still a very memorable weekend.

I haven't made any resolutions this year because I never keep them, I've just said to myself what I would like to happen. Firstly I would like to be healthy and lose a tiny amount of weight before I go on holiday in April. I always want to try and be more social, I guess I'm a hermit crab,  I don't go out much. Lastly I want to focus on my college work so I get the grades I need to get into university with. 

Shannon x

twitter: @shannonnicoleeB


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