Monday 29 April 2013


Hey Everybody!

So yeah I know it's not technically the end of April until tomorrow, but I know I'll more than likely forget to do this. At the end of every month I will be doing favourites, not just beauty favourites, but music, food, films etc. So here goes!

Beauty Favourites: 
Recently I've been loving 'Maybelline The Falsies', a lot of people rave about it so I figured I'd try it out and its actually pretty good. Another thing I've been trying out is palmers cocoa butter, I find this very good to use for me because I'm currently having acne treatment that dries out my skin, but after I've used this my skin feels super hydrated. 

Music Favourites: 
So the other day in the car I heard this song on Kiss100 and it was stuck in my head for days and I finally found it and its called So good to me by Chris Malinchak. ( Its a song I can imagine laying on the beach listening to!
Another song I have been loving is You&Me by Disclosure featuring Eliza Doolittle ( So check both those out! 

Food Favourites: 
So a random food favourite is actually Peanut Butter and Ham sandwichs, super random but so so so tasty! Another thing I've been liking is chicken caesar salads, but this is like an annual thing as whenever it gets to summer I start enjoying cold meat salads. A treat favourite is the new Cadburys chocolate bar, it has little jelly bean things inside and popping candy! I dont know how many places you can buy this right now but I know for sure Tesco's do them.

Shannon x

twitter: @shannonnicoleeB



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